- Please submit the following information to the HNRU Coordinator at least 1 month prior to commencing work in the HNRU:
- A copy of your ethics submission(s) and approval letter(s) for HNRU records.
- A 1-2 page summary of the study protocol including the following information:
- Title
- Objectives
- Brief description of study methodology/procedures
- Planned use of equipment/facilities/services within the HNRU
- Participant inclusion/exclusion criteria and sample size
- Proposed timelines
- Study Coordinator(s) contact information
- Information sheet(s) and consent forms(s). Studies using the DXA, BIA, BOD POD, or Metabolic Cart should incorporate information about these pieces of equipment into their information sheets. Sample information sheets and consent forms are available from the HNRU Coordinator.
These items will be reviewed and your research team will be contacted to set up a meeting to confirm details of your research protocol prior to starting your research. Please contact the HNRU Coordinator for more information.